Natural Solutions

Green Smoothie


Ingredients: ( all organic please)


Into your blender place

2 handfuls of  ice

3 fresh kale leaves

1 tablespoon natural yoghurt

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 tablespoon of natural honey

1 tablespoon almond meal

1 tablespoon brown rice protein


Optional ( maca powder, camu powder,)

And whizz this all up with your green smoothie button.


This is yummo, and ……. very beneficial for your health.

A meal in a glass for BREAKFAST!

Natural Solutions

Here I am blogging about about my passion : Living Healthy, Living Fresh.


Healthy Foods to to Boost and balance  how our Liver Works

Our hardworking liver filters 1.5 lts of blood every minute.It helps to process and detoxify toxins like hormones, alcohol and medications, and is a great helper for our metabolism and energy. Even when it is not functioning at top level it will try to keep on doing its job.

 Her are some healthy foods to that might help to keep your liver functioning well:


The Brassica vegies:

Try Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Watercress, and Bok Choy. This vegetable family contain unique plant chemicals called glucosinolates that are supportive of the liver process.


Garlic and Onions:

These pungent vegies contain sulphur compounds that assist the enzyme system  in our liver to work effectively. Enzymes are important to keep the liver working at a pace that is right for our body.


Tumeric :

This spice has indications of being helpful fighting against cancer, inflammation, and protects the liver properties. Tumeric increases the bile function . Bile is made in our liver and is stored in our gall bladder.Bile is important because it helps with metabolism, detoxifies and helps with healthy function of the bowel.


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Properties in grapefruit stimulate liver enzymes.. The enzymes aim at prescription drugs, which means we have to speak to our doctor before embarking on adding grapefruit to our diet . Otherwise this citrus fruit is deemed a beneficial liver food.



Beetroot is a source of antioxidants. It has always been a food to protect and nourish our liver. Beetroot leaves are excellent used in salads.


Some signs that our liver may be overworked

Lack of appetite especially in the early morning

Frequent headaches and migraines.

Yucky mouth taste

Constipation. Feeling of fullness, even after a bowel movement

Dark under eye circles

Waking early morning ,around 2am, and wide awake

Nausea or sick feeling

Alcohol sensitivity – get tiddly easily

Consistent skin ailments

Fluid retention especially around the tummy area

                                                                     Naturopath Rebecca – Body and Soul

Show your liver some love. A good way to start of the New Year with a clean slate  (Liver)!





Make a Transformation NOW!

Healthy Living With Nature

Being Healthy is an inside job….

Drinking is the way to go

It is important to drink at least 2 or 3 litres of water a day.

Hydration helps to flush out the kidneys and expel damaging toxins.

Dried fruit looks all shriveled, full of wrinkles and ugly. Our body reacts in the 

same way when we fail to keep our bodies hydrated. 

Move Baby Move


It is suggested that we need to move our bodies moderately for 30 to 60

minutes about 3 or 4 times  in a week.

This will improve the heart and cardio fitness and reduce stress.

It will boost circulation and oxygen flow which leads to a clear and glowing 


and builds and maintains bone and muscle density.

Sleep like a baby

We need 6 to 8 hours quality sleep every night

For bodies to work to their potential when we are awake or asleep – rise with 

the sun and begin to wind down at sunset.

 Ideally keep all technology out of the bedroom ( Phones, computers, tvs), 

because these items send out electromagnetic radiation which interrupts sleep 

duration and quality.(Nutrimetics Australia and New Zealand)

…….the CHANGE is up to YOU. 

Make the choice now!

Boost the Libido Naturally

Healthy Living With Nature

Boost your Libido…….

Synthesis of our sex hormones-progesterone, Oestrogen, Androgen

is significant for sexual desire and largely dependant on NUTRITION

Expert nutritionist,Steph Lowe, gives us more lowdown on an 

all- NATURAL libido boost.

The really good news is that we don’t have to spend all our hard

 earned salary on oysters for dinner every night.

Fill the dinner plate with 5 essential nutrients and you will be 

rocking the socks off your partner in absolutely no time at all.

Omega 3

These essential fatty acids will provide the basis for a very 

healthy production of prostaglandins and hormones that have 

importance in regulating sex drive and play an important role 

in sexual HEALTH


Almonds, Walnuts, Avocado, and Salmon


Zinc is important for sufficient testosterone production in men.

and also help to sustain sexual desire in women. Significantly, zinc

deficiency can lead to low libido in both men and women.


Oysters, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, beef liver

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important for sexual hormone production, and due to

their high antioxidant nature overall egg health in women. In men, 

zinc increases sperm mobility, which is very important for efficient 

egg fertilisation, and also their fertility.


ASPARAGUS, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, and Blueberries

B Vitamins

These are important for the body’s total energy levels. B Vitamins

are essential for sex- hormone production. If the diet is deficient in B

 this may result in lower hormone production and decreased libido.

Did you know that FOLATE ( a B Vitamin) will help increase histamine 

production which is very important for orgasm production.


Bananas, Eggs, and Fish

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to maintain the strength and function of blood

vessels, which is important for blood flow to the genitals. In men

this important for erectile function , and for women, stimulation

 and lubrication.


ORANGES, Strawberries, Kale, Cauliflower, and Capsicum

…….So essential for you sexual health, well being and your all

important relationship. 

Nourish Magazine 6/2013


Spice baby Spice



Putting healthy spice into our life……

These spices can take a dish from bland to delicious. But…. did you know, these  magical spices can also boost your life with some pretty magical healing compounds.  

Here are three pretty exciting and tasty spices that you can add to your HEALTHY LIVING regime…. RIGHT NOW!


Cayenne powder comes from ground dried, red hot chilli peppers. The important ingredient in this spice is CAPSAICIN which is found in some prescriptions, and over counter arthritis and muscle pain creams.

Add a generous dash of cayenne to soups, stews, stir fries to ease cold and flu congestion as it shrinks swollen blood vessels.

It could even trim waistlines by speeding up metabolism.


Tumeric is an Indian spice that has been used to treat maladies since quite ancient times.

CURCUMIN is the key ingredient here. It is a potent antioxidant which has the potential to treat tumour growths and suppress enzymes that can trigger abnormal cell changes. Studies have shown it as being useful for treating arthritis, ALzheimer’s  and heart disease.

Use more tumeric in your diet by adding it to curries, stews, sipping tumeric tea and/ or taking a daily capsule.


This spice is divine sprinkled on cereal, in baked treats, or in your favourite latte.This very aromatic spice is also packed with high amounts of healing MANGANESE which is a trace mineral that is good for the heart.

Research says that it helps in regulating blood sugar which is really good news for those suffering from diabetes. it has also shown it has strong antibacterial and antiflammatory  properties as well.


Place 2 fresh cinnamon quills in a resealable plastic bag. Inhale the aroma when you are in need of help to stay FOCUSED and AWAKE.

As well, the smell is believed to boost BRAIN and MEMORY function.


Some helpful facts

Whole spices when stored correctly can last for 4 years – peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, cloves. They tend to store longer than ground spices

For maximum freshness store in airtight containers

in cool dry places

away from light and heat.

Avoid dipping damp spoons into the containers.

Do the smell test to test for freshness.

The aroma should waft right out to meet you.

If you have to put your nose right in it’s not fresh…. Throw it out!

Do yourself a favour …. fill your life with flavour and…. GOOD HEALTH!

BHG 07/15

Spice up your love life

Love These Love Foods….

Healthy Living With Nature


Are you looking for something to spice up your LOVE relationship?

The answer might just be found in some foods we consume.

There are some foods that are not only healthy, but have super LOVE 

and lust inducing properties.


They combine delicious taste, aroma,and decadent mouth feel,

as well as the science biochemicals that make them a must to be

 added to the shopping list.


Their Legendary powers are attributed to ZINC – a mineral that assists female sexual health and fertility. The amino acid TAURINE helps boost male energy and endurance,

                                              Don’t like oysters…… poor you!


They are packed with antioxidant goodness.. They contain compounds which set the blood pumping. A healthy circulation means a happier sex life.

Fresh strawberries dipped in melted DARK CHOCOLATE  are a gift to Lovers. INDULGE!



 Dark chocolate is loaded with PHENYLETHYLAMINE, THEOBROMINE, – believed to affect the neotransmitters in the brain that leads to euphoria and arousal, and…. are loaded with antioxidants that boost circulation. Wow!

ASPARAGUS – take note of the shape….!!

Shape aside….they are rich in FOLATE, COPPER, A,C,E,K – all essentials for well being and a healthy libido. Eat RAW, STEAMED, or GRILLED for a little ZING in your life. And they taste good too!

 Other feel good foods that promote love giving goodness.




.Chilli peppers



.And try adding some feel good Red Wine 

 AVOCADO Are packed with nutrients that boost sexual health BETACAROTINE,MAGNESIUM, VIT.E,. Also VIT.B6 which promotes the feel good hormone SEROTONIN.

Food can be magic stuff. Have fun!

BHG 3/15 

Using the Superfood MACA Powder


Healthy Living With Nature

The unique superfood power of MACA

At our home we add many things to our morning green smoothie which we find healthy and very yummy indeed. I am going to tell you about our smoothie ingredients and what they do for us. You will need to experiment with these superfoods and find out what your needs are and what suits your taste and lifestyle. These are only suggestions and what suits our family. You need to make the final decision.
The superfood for today is MACA 
MACCA is sometimes called “Peruvian Ginseng.” It is an ancient food source and herbal medicine from the Andes region. It has a rich supply of nutrients – including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids,amino acids and sterols.  
If you are familiar with the supplement industry you may be aware of MACA already.  It is derived from the root of the MACA plant.
Inhabitants of the Andes are said to have used this plant for its supposed fertility enhancing ingredients over many generations. It’s said that MACA has the ability to increase energy, mental clarity,restore hormone imbalance, and enhance sex drive.
According to it is perfectly safe to experiment using small amounts of MACA.
Simply add a teaspoon to your smoothie or porridge. Enjoy the taste and benefits.

The Latest research on MACA

Many studies have been done on MACA. However the most significant research has been done on the effects on glands in the endocrine system, especially sexual performance, function, fertility, libido, menopausal and andropausal symptoms – anxiety and depression,osteoporosis, effects on the central nervous system and lots more. Read more….

More news on foods that boost,your libido next time.

AND…. don’t forget to re hydrate.
